African Fish Eagle |
Modern birds
like modern reptiles are believed to have originated from a group of a small
primitive reptile (pseudosachia) that lived during the Jurassic period. However
due to evolution, many birds have been produced of different colors, melodious
songs and with so many behaviors which is done due to interbreeding and these (bird)
are of more important as explained; birds are the source of food and follows into
two categories;
Great bue turraco |
1. Domesticated bird; all presence domesticated
birds were once wild e.g. domesticated fowl was domesticated from red jungle
fowl, (Genus Gallus) inhabiting south eastern Asia. Over the many birds have
been involved for production for both meat and eggs; domestic ducks descended
from mallard (genus anus). It is believed to have been first domesticating in
China and South Eastern Asia. In the United Kingdom, there are about twelve birds
used for production of meat and eggs; domestic gues was domesticated from the
grey lag goose (genus Anser); domestic turkey was domesticated from Mexican wild turkey (genus Maleagris). This bird is mostly domesticated for production of
meet, domestic guinea fowls is descended from the wild. Guinea fowl (genus
Gray headed kingfisher |
Birds are
domesticated for production of primarily meat.
In West
Africa, the bird is common food component in market. In Nigeria, guinea Fowl
abound in market more than chicken. In East Africa, Limited domestication has
taken place probably due to the restricted wildlife legislation; domestic pigeon,
descended from the rock pigeon (Columba). Initially it was domesticate from a
sacred bird but eventually used for food; domestic ostrich descended from the
wild ostrich. Its initial domestication was due to the demand of its feathers and
Saddle billed stork |
2. As source
of Wild birds countries to constitute an important source of food throughout
the wild. Almost all the wild varieties of domesticated birds are hunted for
food. Other birds are trancolines. Other birds are trancolines, spur fowl and passerines
birds belonging to the order Passeriformes; Wild birds and source of food; wild
birds countries constitute an important source of food throughout the world. Almost
all the wild varieties of domesticated birds are hunted for food. Other birds
are trancolines, spur fowls, and passerine birds belonging to order Passeriformes;
fertilization of plants; dispersal of seed plants. This can be by both
endo-zoocally and exo-zoocally; Scavenging and their by enhancing health of the
environment; they are source of income. As source of income, birds contribute
Black headed gonolek |
Ø The hunting fees which are substantial
for tourists.
Ø They also capture fees for which
normally higher than those of hunting.
Ø They also contribute income through photographing
Ø They also contribute to tourism
particularly of areas of specie bird interest.
Ø They contribute leisure production
mostly from ostrich; birds as pests. The best example of birds as pests is
found in red billed quallea. It is distributed throughout drier parts of Africa south of Sahara. Their ranges, stretches from Senegal and Mauritania in the
west across the continent to Ethiopia and Somalia in the East, then south words
through Uganda, Kenya ,Tanzania and Zambia to South Africa. Then northward into Nabia and Angola. They
are estimated to be around 10 billion; the birds are great threat to growers of
cereal crops in 25 developing countries.
Let’s all join hands and we protect the environment where
different animals live like the birds that help in the changing of the ecosystem.
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