In order to protect the environment for the next generation, we need utilize the natural resouces sustainably without undengering ut for the next generation. This can be done through practicing Eco tourism which is a purposeful travel that creates an
understanding of cultural and natural history while safe guarding the integrity
of the eco system and producing the economic benefits that encourages
conservation. There should be a need to generate income to support conservation
of environment and its sources which attracts tourists for example world life,
culture of local people and historical sites.
This can be developed or practiced where there are natural
attraction such as water bodies, mountains, forests and many others. However this
must increase the public awareness on the environment, attracts tourists to the
natural environment which are unique and accessible, improve nature conservation
through educating attitudes of local people towards nature conservation and
support government or private initiatives in nature conservation, provide
employment and business opportunities to the local people (tour guide)
The eco tourists who are the people interested in visiting
the eco destinations, are in need to visit places which they have never been
before places of particular interest or places where they can derive maximum satisfaction.
Such interest in eco tourism by eco tourists is facilitated by Tour Company who
develops and operates special tour packages to meet eco tourist’s demand and to
enable them to visit certain destinations.
Tourism organizations that participate in eco tourism development
have special interest in eco tourism because they want their business to grow
and earn more income however they need to provide good quality services in
order to capture the market and maintain
public interest, confidence in their business.
The host population/local communities at eco tourism
destination expect to benefit directly from eco tourism and they need to be
involved in the planning development and management.
The conservationists or environmentalists they should lobby
for conservation of environment. They have special interest in natural environment
because it contains the attractions. If the environment was not well managed
, the eco tourists who could come in
future are denied the opportunity
to visit and experience the environment that is different not from those in their country, quality, environment,
the attractions, and revenue is lost.
However, if there is a high rise in tourists number due to
population of destinations may result in environmental degradation and loss of
attraction in such a case eco tourists would begin to go else were in the process
eco tourism declines because the environment has been degraded and lost its
appeal in the end both the environment and the eco tourism development lose;
In a situation where
one benefits while the other loses for example the local people denied access
to the resources in an eco destination site that is being protected as tourists
destination then they rose out to conservation interest. There for in all
situations, the links between all parties must positive and equal.
The optimum number of eco tourists that can be accommodated by
a destination or site without coursing permanent damage to the environment should
be limited. This will lead to the development of eco development in the world
through nature conservation, cultural contacts and respect, growth of the
economy, improvement of local transport and communication infrastructure,
productive use of marginal areas, growth of domestic industries such as food processing
and improvement of country’s balance of payment.
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