Sunday 2 December 2012

Uganda's scenery

 About Uganda
Road to the home of Gorillas
 It offers top quality services, which both surprise and excite the tourists who come to relax, Adventure or explore the natural and cultural beauty of Africa. It synonymous with all that is best in travel and quality guiding experiences to all destinations according to the interest of the tourists.
It focuses on specialized tourist activities like game viewing and bird watching and many others around the country while using expert professionals in the art and science of wild life guiding and  guides are embedded with trust and openness that explains our overall service delivery right from they time they meet with you.
Crossed by the Equator and perched on the northern shores of Lake Victoria, Uganda is one of the most alluring cultural safari destinations in Africa. Uganda’s population is estimated to be 33 million people and is made up of complex and diverse range of tribes with the majority (98%) being Africans who fall into 4 major ethnic groups; Bantu, Nile Hamites, Nilotic and Hamite groups.
Beautiful rock that was a result of earth movements and has spiritual powers
Lake Kyoga forms the northern boundary for the Bantu speaking peoples, who dominate much of East, Central and Southern Africa with the Buganda taking the biggest percentage. Most of the Bantu speaking people formed their own kingdoms forexample; Buganda, Busoga, Bunyoro, Ankole and Tooro. Before the coming of the British these kingdoms were organized political settings with Buganda having the most civilized and highly centralized monarchy. In the north live the Lango (near Lake Kyoga) and the Acholi (towards the Sudanese border) who speak Nilotic languages. To the east are the Iteso and Karamajong who are related to the Masai pastoralists of Kenya. In the forests of the west live the Batwa, a pygmy related tribe thought to originate from Congo.
Uganda's Kingdoms present a rich cultural heritage that Uganda proudly boosts over other safari destinations in Africa. While on a cultural safari, you can take tours to the King's Palaces, royal tombs, royal senates as well as other historical sites revered by the local people. Some natural landforms and rivers also have great cultural attributes with some being believed to be borne by humans! While on your Uganda Safari, you cannot have any feel of being unsecure. Ugandans are very polite, enthusiastic, friendly and welcoming people who will often greet strangers on public transport or in rural areas. It is always not a simple “hello” but also how are you? How is your family? And the interest is genuine. Its Safaris campanies organizes a number of safaris that can take you to Uganda's major cultural and historical sites such as Kasubi tombs, Namugongo martyrs shrine, Sezibwa Falls – river believed to be human born with a Twin Brother, Buganda, Bunyoro and Toro Kingdom tours and so much more.
Be it one day, three days or more you can still experience part of this culture with us.
Local people harvesting tea
Being the pearl of Africa it offers top range Wildlife experience in the world.  Its exciting safaris and tours into the deep wilds of EAST AFRICA.The only country that have compitent, trained, kind, and professional guides who are passionate about wildlife safaris (game drive), cultural safaris,Sport fishing, Boating, Game Viewing ,Walking and trekking, Mountaineering ,White water rafting, national Parks
Bird watching safaris, Photo safaris, primate tracking Gorilla tracking safaris, chimpanzee tracking, Tailor made tours, Holidays and volunteer trips, Educational and student trips. The tour or safari companies provide some one with unforgettable wildlife experiences with excellent and very knowledgeable guides, custom designed four-wheel drive vehicles, and the type of accommodation you want, from camping to medium and luxurious. It has dedicated team with combined experience especially in the field of tourism, guiding, customer care and conservation and offer services which are unforgettable to tourists with excellent results and comments. Field guides are knowledgeable and speak Foreignand the local languages. Try Uganda and feel the world.

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